A translation is the conversion of a WRITTEN word, sentence or text from one (source) language into another (target) language.
We also speak about “translation” when we refer to the linguistic conversion from oral speech (audio or video) to a written text in a different language.
For the translation process to be of the highest quality, it must include the following steps:
– REVIEW (comparing the content of the source text and the target text by checking the writing style);
– CORRECTION (checking the accuracy of linguistic elements and formatting);
– TERMINOLOGY MANAGEMENT (creation of client-specific glossaries which are stored in translation memories or terminology databases).
As a professional multilingual interpreter and translator with more than 25 years of experience, with a Master’s degree in Conference Interpreting and a Master’s degree in Foreign Languages with a specialisation in Translation, I translate all types of texts, including:
– articles
– codes of conduct and internal policies
– contracts
– business correspondence
– annual reports
– employee training manuals and guides
– educational materials
– multimedia materials (audio and video recordings)
– promotional materials (brochures, leaflets, flyers, newsletters, website, etc.)
-presentations and conference papers
– publications
My areas of expertise include:
– International cooperation and development
– Cultural heritage conservation
– Social sciences and anthropology
– International trade and commerce
– Business and marketing communications
– Gender, equity and justice issues
– Human rights
– Spirituality
– Anti-poverty
– Environment, biodiversity, ecology and climate change
– Migration and asylum
– Nutrition
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need language services in other areas. I would be happy to provide you with a free quote.