I am a passionate interpreter, translator, reviewer, and French teacher with over 25 years of professional experience as a linguist. My main clients are companies, schools, training centres, religious congregations and international organisations and NGOs in the development field.
What do I specialise in? International cooperation and development, nutrition, agriculture, environment, poverty alleviation, ethics, human rights, international trade, education, communication and spirituality.
I was born in France, with a French mother and Spanish father. I grew up in France, Spain, England and Italy. It is in this context that I had the opportunity to master four languages and to strengthen a multicultural profile.
My passion for languages, words, and teaching led me to study literature, foreign languages, as well as translation, interpretating, and language teaching techniques.
In 1994, after several stays in the United Kingdom and the United States, I chose to settle in Rome.
At the present, I mainly work in Spain, Italy, and France.